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艺术 & 文化

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Long synonymous with all things forward-looking 和 creative, California is one of the world’s foremost destinations for arts 和 culture. Multiple elements help make the Golden State such a hotbed for creativity, including its unmatched diversity, a famously entrepreneurial spirit, 丰富的历史, 和 a sunny climate ideal for year-round events. One thing’s for sure: No matter where you travel within California, you can experience a unique 和 vibrant cultural scene.  

The most concentrated hubs of theater, 音乐, 博物馆, 街头艺术, 和 dance in California are, 当然, its major cities. Head to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park to explore 1,000 acres of greenspace dotted with institutions, including the de Young Museum, California Academy of Sciences,和 日本 Tea Garden. For live performance, visit the beloved San Francisco Ballet, watch a gravity-defying aerial dance show from 奥克兰’s B和aloop, or listen to a big-name 音乐ian at the 希腊剧院, 加州大学伯克利分校’s exquisite outdoor venue.

Southern California boasts similarly expansive offerings. Learn more about the history of moviemaking in 洛杉矶 在新的 Academy of Motion Pictures Museum. 让 盖蒂中心’s tram transport you high above Downtown L.A. to the Richard Meier wonderl和 that houses works of artists from Giacomo Manzu to Van Gogh. 去其中一个 西好莱坞’s rollicking clubs to get a sense of L.A.’s rock-和-roll past 和 present. In 圣地亚哥, you could spend weeks exploring the 17 博物馆 和 cultural institutions in 巴波亚公园, plus you’ll find Broadway-bound new works 和 time-honored classics at the La Jolla Playhouse老环球球

Thanks to more than 1,000 博物馆 across the state, experiences are everywhere. Learn about California’s fascinating Gold Rush past in 萨克拉门托 where you’ll find the impressive State Capitol Museum, preserved correspondence from 1850s 最小值ers at the 萨克拉门托 History Museum, 和 a riverfront historic area still paved with cobblestones. Uncover the history of California’s official state sport at the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum 和 head to the Anza-Borrego Desert to find massive metal sculptures by self-taught artist 里卡多Breceda. California’s designated Cultural Districts provide an opportunity to experience art 和 culture in situ, as well: Visit 特拉基 to see high-alpine makerspaces or 尤里卡 to find public art among the redwoods. 

In 棕榈泉, you can see how the open blue skies 和 desert’s clean lines influenced the work of mid-century modern architects who developed the city’s signature look. Find out why an open-air festival celebrating art has gone strong for nearly 90 years in 拉古纳海滩 和 get a firsth和 look at some of California’s earliest 西班牙语 roots at the 21日任务 that dot the coast from the 墨西哥 border all the way up to the modern-day Bay Area.

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